Roman Missal — Resources
In Spirit and in Truth
Frequently Asked Questions:
Become One Body One Spirit in Christ
- learn more about the interactive DVD
In Spirit and in Truth is a process for small groups. It follows the same pattern as With hearts and minds of reflection on scripture and experience together consideration and discussion of liturgical texts and documents.
The process is intended to be used in two ways: to assist parish teams prepare for the introduction of the new translation, to offer a place for parish small groups to learn about the translation once it has been introduced.
For every session the material is available in a number of ways:
- Leader's edition - includes notes in the side columns
- Participants' edition A4 - includes space for participants to make their own notes
- Participants' edition A5 - just the text and the questions - and so uses less paper
- Further reading - additional excerpts from Church documents
In addition there are Leader's notes in preparation
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